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Kiwi Celebrities That Love to Knit!

By Briar //

Loads of celebrities love to knit, including some of our very own Kiwi stars. Here are 6 of our favourite famous New Zealand knitters...


1. Lorde!

Image result for lorde knitting



2. Broods band member, Georgia Nott

Image result for broods knitting



3. I'm not sure about this one. Is Russell Crowe a kiwi and can he actually knit? 

Image result for russell crowe knitting



4. Anna Paquin in her pussy hat, which is almost as cute as the crocheted hat that she wore to the Oscars. 
Anna Paquin wearing a knitted pussy hatAnna Paquin in her crocheted hat


5. Katherine Mansfield: “The Wools came today. They are quite lovely & I feel inclined to carry them about, just as they are, like fat dolls."

Image result for katherine mansfield



6. Gin Wigmore... who would have guessed!?

Image result for gin wigmore knitter



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