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Chunky yarn // It's all in the making

By Briar //

What makes Plump & Co's unique chunky merino yarn the best chunky yarn to knit & crochet with? It's all in the making!
Traditional woollen yarns are created through the following steps...
shearing >> cleaning & scouring >> grading & sorting >> carding >> spinning
Most chunky yarns are made through the same processes but are not spun. Unspun chunky "yarns" are actually not yarns, but are wool sliver (though they are often sold as "wool roving"). Sliver and roving are great for needle felting and wet felting, but they aren't strong or stable enough to make long-lasting knitted and crocheted pieces.
Our plumptuous chunky yarns have been through all the usual steps of traditional yarn-making and then some...
shearing >> cleaning & scouring >> grading & sorting >> carding >> spinning >> Plumping!!!!
This final "plumping" process means that the yarn won’t pill, fuzz or pull apart, and it will be strong, stable and suitable for even the ruff-est of family members
Photo credit: Thank you so much to Charlotte from amyssecretkitchen for this pic of one of her beautiful dogs


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